Cactus Courier
Newsletter of the Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose

Paul Heiple - Mesembryanthemums

An interest in succulent plants was a natural extension of Mr. Heiple's background in Geology. His professional excursions to geological sites have given him an opportunity to observe succulent plants in several of their natural habitats. Additionally, he has built gardens in three disparate climates, Colorado, Pennsylvania, and California.

How could someone who makes his profession studying rocks resist Mesembs, the plants that mimic rocks? For Paul Heiple, the attraction proved irresistible. In our November meeting, he will share with us his enthusiasm for these mimicry plants.

Hopefully, he will bring some of these plants he has grown from seed for sale to our members.

Members with last names starting with A through F should bring a snack for the November meeting.

The Cactus Courier is the newsletter of the Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose (CSSSJ). The members of the CSSSJ freely contribute the materials published herein. The accuracy of information and opinions expressed are those of the contributors. The deadline for submissions is the 20th day of the preceding month. Scannable hardcopy and Windows format text files sent via email or on 3.5-inch disk are acceptable as input. Send newsletter articles to Rich Kroll at: