November 7, 2004




Call to Order by President Wes Briggs at the Prusch Park Meeting Hall at 11:00 A.M.


Present are: President Wes Briggs                 Member at Large Rowena Southwell

                   Past President Bill Kurtz             Member at Large Bill Munkacsy                                           Librarian Linda Delgado                         Membership Director Sandy Carter           


Absent are: Vice President Joel Parker

                   Treasurer Judy Goodrode

                   Secretary Bill Gingras


LAST MONTH’S MINUTES for the Board of Directors Meeting on October 10, 2004 were not submitted.


TREASURER: No new balance reported. The balance as of August 31, 2004 is $5,969.90.


MEMBERSHIP: No new members this month. Total membership is 107.


HOSPITALITY: Nothing new to report.


The December PROGRAM will be our annual Holiday Party at Harry’s Hoffbrau. We will have a plant exchange, auction, and gift pants. It was agreed upon to purchase the gift plants from the professional growers from our club. Any extra gift plants left over at the end of the Holiday Party may be sold for $5-10 to anyone interested. This year, we will have the swearing in of a new Board of Directors for the CSSSJ.


LIBRARY:  Nothing new to report.


AFFILIATE:  To help encourage attendance at the CSAA convention to be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, this August, a suggestion was made to reimburse our members $25 for their traveling expenses.


MINI SHOW:  Nothing new to report.


ANNUAL SHOW:  Nothing new to report.


BY-LAWS:  Nothing new to report.


NEW BUSINESS:  Nothing new to report.






-        There was discussion on what reimbursement to pay for traveling expenses for our Program speakers. To be considered are: what do other clubs pay, flat fee of $75, flat fee plus mileage, pay air fare, pay for their membership, $0.34 a mile, deduct the first 100 miles, keep costs within $150-$200 depending on distance traveled.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 A.M.

The next Board meeting will be on January 9, 2005, at the Prusch Park Meeting Hall at 10:30 A.M.


Submitted by the Membership Chair,

Sandy Carter