February 8, 2004

Call to Order by Vice President Joel Parker at the Prusch Park Meeting Hall at 11:03 A.M.

Present are:

Vice President Joel Parker

Secretary Bill Gingras


Past President Bill Kurtz

Member at Large Bill Munkacsy


Treasurer Judy Zugar


Absent are:

President Wes Briggs

Newsletter Editor Rich Kroll


Membership Director Sandy Carter

Member at Large Rowena Southwell


Member at Large Lori Habib


LAST MONTH’S MINUTES for the Board of Directors Meeting on January 4, 2004 were approved.

TREASURER: The balance as of January 4, 2004, is $5915.38. Insurance, sales tax, etc., for the year has been paid.

MEMBERSHIP: A few more members and vendors have sent in their renewals for 2004. Bill K has a list of those who have not yet renewed, and he doubts many of them will in 2004. Rich will put a renewal reminder on the front cover of the next Courier, and Sandy will call each person who has not renewed to remind them.

HOSPITALITY: Nothing new to report. Bill Kurtz will remain the interim hospitality director as we try to find a volunteer to take over the position. The group agreed that the club needs to more aggressively find someone to take over this position.

PROGRAM: Inge Hoffmann will be making a presentation on the cacti of Brazil for the March meeting. The CSSSJ annual Show and Sale is in April. Mary Parisi or Paul Heiple are possible presenters at the May meeting. Roger Lane is a possible presenter at the June meeting. A tour of Mary Parisi's growing operation is a possibility for July.

LIBRARY: We need to sort through the books in our library collection and decide which to keep and not keep. This will be done at the March meeting. The board will meet at 10:00, at which time we will decide which books we want to keep, which we want to sell at our show and sale, and which to offer at a special auction. Joel P will call Lori to see if he can get the rest of the library collection for the March meeting. Bill G will help bring the balance of the books from Bill K's house. An article will appear in the Courier explaining that we are disposing of old archives, and will be selling certain books at the March meeting and the show and sale.

AFFILIATE: Nothing new to report.

MINI SHOW: Nothing new to report.

ANNUAL SHOW: Bill M will be mailing out the vendor letters next week. The flyers and handbills have been printed. We will ask people at the meetings to help distribute them.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:16 P.M.

The next Board meeting will be on March 7th, 2004, at the Prusch Park Meeting Hall at 10:00 A.M., unless decided otherwise.

Submitted by the Club Secretary, Bill Gingras