August 3, 2003

TREASURER: The balance as of August 3, 2003, is $9,329.47. Over $1,500 in bills are unpaid. There is a problem with credit card issuers continuing to charge, with amounts of $5, $25, and $12.95 in question. Judy will contact Don Cravalho, and Wes will provide paperwork from mailings so that Judy can correct the problem.

MEMBERSHIP: One new member joined.

HOSPITALITY: Bill Kurtz will remain the interim hospitality director as we try to find a volunteer to take over the position. The group agreed that the club needs to more aggressively find someone to take over this position.

PROGRAM: Program chair Bill Kurtz continues the never-ending job of procuring speakers for our meetings. The program for the September meeting will be Dean Kelch presenting a slide show and talk on his recent visit to Africa. In October, Mark Muridian will be giving a program on desert landscaping using heavy equipment. Mark will have his famous pots for sale at the meeting. We will have to change the October meeting to the second Sunday of the month because Prusch Park will be having its "Fall Festival" on our regular meeting date. For the November meeting, everyone will be urged to participate by bringing in a plant (their most challenging plant, favorite plant, etc.) and talking about it. In December, the club will have its colossal holiday extravaganza. For January, Bill K will try to get Larry Grammer from southern California to demonstrate and discuss staging plants for a show.

LIBRARY: We need to sort through the books in our library collection and decide which to keep and not keep. This will be done at the next two meetings. The board will meet at 10:00, at which time we will decide which books we want to keep, which we want to sell at our show and sale, and which to offer at a special auction.

AFFILIATE: Nothing new to report.

MINI SHOW: Nothing new to report. Paul Long will be submitting a series of articles for the Courier, to explain and promote the mini-show.

ANNUAL SHOW: (new) The club will give a donation of $350 to Buchser Middle School for use of the facility this year.

(old) The raffle tags, "guest list" sign-up sheet, and credit card registry are missing, so an article needs to be run in the next Courier asking if anyone has them and asking for them to be returned.

(action items for next year) Look into an "apprentice judge" program. Compile a mailing list, once all lists, tags, etc., have been located. Investigate and update (as pertinent) the "show rules" list per suggestions (alphabetical cross-reference, change "Best Liliaceae" category to "Best Monocot," add "Best Mesemb" category). Also, Bill M submitted a list of suggestions to Judy. Judy and Bill need to go over that list of suggestions.

The next Board meeting will be on September 7th, 2003, at the Prusch Park Meeting Hall at 10:00 A.M.

Submitted by the Club Secretary, Bill Gingras (Thank you Bill Muncacsy for taking notes in my absence.)